Westward Industrial Inc. (the “Company“) filed an assignment into bankruptcy on October 13, 2022, pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA“) and B. Riley Farber Inc., LIT (“B. Riley Farber”), was appointed as Trustee in Bankruptcy.
Status Updates
The First Meeting of Creditors will be held via ZOOM videoconference on November 2, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. (MT) via ZOOM videoconference. To join the meeting, please use the below access details:
ZOOM URL: https://farbergroup.zoom.us/j/85671257968?pwd=TXQ3MG54bFNtaFhmRjlZWmNLU1FqZz09
Meeting ID: 856 7125 7968
Passcode: 446088
Links to relevant documents can be found below.
Creditor Inquiries
For creditor inquiries, please contact:
Erin Merrick
T: 437.294.4618
E: [email protected]
The case updates and court filed documents on this website are for information purposes only and you should consult your financial or legal adviser if you have any questions or concerns about your rights or obligations. Additional updates on the status of these proceedings may become available in the future.
Bankruptcy Documents
First Meeting of Creditors