IIC PartnersIIC Partners

Internationally recognized executive search

Companies with a global reach require human capital support, globally. B. Riley Farber is proud to be the exclusive Canadian partner of IIC Partners – an international executive search organization with over 55 global offices.

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Ian Brenner

Ian Brenner

Charlene Bergman

Charlene Bergman

Executive recruitment where you need it

No matter where in the world you do business, one fact is universal: to be successful, you need to employ the right people. As a member of IIC Partners, B. Riley Farber can help secure the human capital you need, wherever your business may take you.

International recognition, international support

IIC Partners is one of the world’s top 10 alliances of executive search firms, so you can expect the same B. Riley Farber recruitment expertise anywhere in the world. With access to a global team of search professionals, we can help find the executive talent your business needs, wherever you need it.

Recruiting Executives in a Candidate Driven Market

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Executive Recruitment in a “Never Normal” Era

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The “More” – What Companies Must Offer to Attract Executive Talent

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