On April 20, 2015, Paul Zigomanis (the “Deceased”) was killed as a result of an explosion that destroyed the home in which he was living (the “Explosion”). By an order (the “Order”) of the Honourable Justice Conway dated October 14, 2015, Jonathan Cooperman of B. Riley Farber Inc. (“B. Riley Farber”) was appointed as estate trustee during litigation (the “ETDL”) of all property and assets of the estate, including all proceeds thereof of the Deceased (collectively the “Estate”).
The Estate is insolvent. In order to conduct a claims process and facilitate a distribution to creditors, on June 10, 2021, pursuant to paragraph 27 of the Order, an assignment for the general benefit of creditors was made by the ETDL on behalf of the Estate. B. Riley Farber was appointed as Trustee in Bankruptcy, subject to affirmation by the creditors of the trustee’s appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors.
The first meeting of creditors of the Estate was held on June 29th, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom videoconference.
Creditor Enquiries
For creditor enquires, please contact:
Angela Liu
T: 437.294.4605
E: [email protected]
The case updates and court filed documents on this website are for information purposes only and you should consult your financial or legal adviser if you have any questions or concerns about your rights or obligations. Additional updates on the status of these proceedings may become available in the future.
Bankruptcy Documents
Motion Materials
- First Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated March 7 2016
- Second Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated May 11, 2016
- Supplemental Report to the Second Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated October 14, 2016
- Second Supplemental Report to the Second Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated May 17, 2017
- Third Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated November 16, 2018
- Fourth Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated March 5, 2019
- Fifth Report of the Estate Trustee During Litigation dated June 30, 2020
Court Orders and Endorsements
- Appointment Order of Justice Conway dated October 14, 2015
- Service Approval Order of Justice Penny dated March 9, 2016
- Endorsement of Justice Conway dated June 27, 2016
- Endorsement of Justice Hainey October 18, 2016
- Order of Justice Wilton-Siegel dated January 10, 2017
- Order of Justice Spies dated August 15, 2017
- Order of Justice Gans dated August 8, 2018
- Order of Justice Chiappetta dated November 28, 2018
- Order of Justice Pattillo dated March 14, 2019
- Endorsement of Justice Pattillo dated March 14, 2019
- Order of Justice Dietrich dated July 10, 2020
- Endorsement of Justice Dietrich dated July 20, 2020